[Global Research Trends] 2. Top 10 Countries for Biofuel Research Publications: Identifying Potential of an New Alternative Fuel (2000~2024)
![[Global Research Trends] 2. Top 10 Countries for Biofuel Research Publications: Identifying Potential of an New Alternative Fuel (2000~2024)](/content/images/size/w1200/2024/07/Scinapse-Trend_2.png)
/ Scinapse Trends Series #2
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The climate crisis is clearly demonstrating its seriousness through abnormal weather patterns around the world. Accordingly, as the use of sustainable, eco-friendly energy resources to reduce greenhouse gas emissions has become increasingly important, biofuel research, aimed at replacing traditional fuels, is being actively conducted. Biofuels offer various impacts and benefits, including the development of efficient production technologies, growth of related industries, and above all, environmental protection through reduction of greenhouse gas emissions.
Examining research trends and the influence of biofuels helps identify alternative materials for new fuels, set research directions, and allocate resources efficiently. This also promotes technological innovation to be applied to actual industries and sites. Moreover, it aids in research and development and policy-making for establishing effective energy policies. Therefore, understanding the increase in biofuel research and its impact is crucial for developing and guiding sustainable energy initiatives.
Top 10 Countries for Research Publications on Biofuel as Alternative Fuels (2000-2024)
- Top 10 Countries - Rank by Publications

Based on the number of publications, India ranks first with 4428 publications, followed by the United States with 2232 publications. When looking at publication quantity, these countries lead significantly. Notably, there is an almost 10 times larger volume difference between Spain (10th) and India (1st). Meanwhile, South Korea ranks 11th with 428 publications.
(This ranks are for the period 2000 - 2024)
- Top 10 Affiliations - Rank by Publications

Among the top 10 affiliations based on publications, Malaysia's University of Malaya ranked the highest. This affiliations recorded a total of 268 publications with 19,406 citations, proving the best performance not only in the number of papers but also in the number of actual citations.
Statistics also show that India is making a significant quantitative contribution to the biofuel field, with institutions ranked 2nd through 6th being Indian affiliations.
- Top 10 Authors - Rank by h-index

Avinash Kumar Agarwal of India is the top author in both research productivity and impact in the field of biofuel research, with 96 publications, an h-index (an important indicator to determine whether an author is truly influential) of 35 , and 7053 total citations during 2000-2024.
(Countries were sorted based on the author's last known affiliation.)
The h-index, which reflects research productivity and impact, can be viewed as a summary on Scinapse as below.👇🏻

On clicking the “Analyze” button from Research Intelligence page (in below), a detailed information about biofuels research publications is available specific to liquid fuels - petroleum alternative fuels. This provides a better approach in determining the top-ranked research of a specific field for a mentioned duration.
(Note : The values for 2023 and 2024 contain only partially verifiable data. And also the last value of h-index trend is only for 2024 , so could be slightly different from the one mentioned in the table above)
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(Note : All the content above is limited to liquid fuels - petroleum alternative fuels - among biofuels for analysis, and all indicators are calculated as 'biofuels' only.)
How Has Biofuel Research Evolved Over the Past Years?
So what kind of actual research content has changed and developed over the last 3,5, and 7 years? Over the past few years, biofuel research and biodiesel production have increasingly focused on optimizing engine performance and reducing emissions through various technological applications.
In the last 7 years, biofuel research has emphasized exploring various biodiesel blends, nano additives, and exhaust gas recirculation techniques. Moving into the past 5 years, while still utilizing a range of biodiesel blends, there has been a greater focus on nano additives and optimizing these blends using exhaust gas recirculation.
Most recently, in the past 3 years, new additives and blends, including nanoparticles, waste cooking oil, graphene oxide, and various alcohols, have emerged. Research during this period has primarily aimed at using these additives and blends to enhance engine performance and reduce emissions.
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Data source - Scinapse / Topic advised by RI Team
Written by Geehee Nahm
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